Enhancing Lymphatic System Function with BOA Max 2: A NEO Science Guide

Detoxify Your Body for Optimal Health

The technology for keeping the body operating at an optimal health level has improved by leaps and bounds from twenty, ten, and even five years ago. People are becoming increasingly aware of their bodies’ condition and are looking for ways to improve that condition. Studies have shown that eliminating toxins from the body is a very important step in achieving and maintaining good health. 

One of the best ways to keep the body free of toxins is through lymphatic system optimization. NEO Science, a health optimization technology company based in Los Angeles, CA, sells the BOA Max 2 lymphatic therapy device. This is a hands-free massage device that gently helps to drain the lymphatic system and improve lymphatic circulation.

Enhance Lymphatic System Function with BOA Max 2

What exactly is the BOA Max 2? The BOA Max 2 is a touchless sports massage and lymphatic system detox compression suit – both jacket and pants. The lymphatic system’s purpose is to remove toxins from the body. This system is two times larger than the cardiovascular system and runs from the brain all the way down to the toes. The lymphatic system relies on muscle contractions (activity) to flow and remove waste properly. The suit provides a gentle massage to the entire body, which moves not only the blood but also the fluid that carries waste through the lymphatic system. The BOA Max 2 therapy system aids in draining toxins out of the body with its 24 overlapping compression chambers, thus improving lymphatic system health.

There are many benefits of lymphatic system drainage.

  • Reduce stress
  • Clear toxins from the brain for clearer thinking (eliminates brain fog)
  • It can help reduce weight and appearance of cellulite
  • Clean out the nervous system
  • Oxygenate muscles
  • Improve sleep
  • Improve circulation
  • Improve condition of skin
  • Slows aging process – cells last much longer with lymphatic detox

The BOA Max 2 provides a gentle lymphatic drainage technique that will improve overall health and give you energy and mental clarity. It can be performed in 45 to 60 minutes. Contact us today to find out more about this NEO Science product and others.

Lymphatic System Detox Near You

NEO Science is located in Los Angeles, CA. Our health products, including the BOA Max 2, are installed in health and wellness centers, chiropractic offices, rehabilitation centers, sports clubs and other health institutions across the country, as well as abroad. Contact us to find the location of the BOA Max 2 therapy installation nearest you. Enjoy the benefits of full-body lymphatic system drainage and give your life a kick-start today.

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