For Business
Provide amazing wellness benefits
with NEO Science today!
NEO Science is a Los Angeles-based company that will help you get
everything you need to begin your health and wellness organization.
Explore our full suite of wellness technologies
The Natural Way
to Boost Your Health
and Wellness
Discover the newest technology
for local photobiomodulation
NEO Science presents NEO | CO2
The Cryoscreen to NEO | CO2 is a neurocryostimulation device that incorporates a thermal camera to visualize, on a screen, the temperature and heat zones to be treated.The C02 jet at -78°C and 50 bars pressure allows to get a thermal shock within few seconds.
A unique professional
masseur device
The BOA ® Max 2 was the first sequential lymphatic drainage device in the world which replaced manual lymphatic drainage. Polish company METRUM CRYOFLEX developed the BOA in the 1990’s.
The device’s treatment algorithms are based on lymphatic drainage massage technique by Dr Emil Vodder.

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Brickhouse Capital is the national leader in health and wellness equipment financing with over 15 years in the industry. Brickhouse has successfully financed more than 75% of our customers.
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